Why You Should Be Regularly Mowing Your Lawn

Why You Should Be Regularly Mowing Your Lawn

Why You Should Be Regularly Mowing Your Lawn 14 SEPTEMBER, 2018 Lawn Care Maintenance As a lawn owner, you’re always told to regularly mow for a happy lawn but what are the benefits? How does regular mowing actually help your lawn rather than infrequent mowing? I...
The Natural Cooling Effect of Grass

The Natural Cooling Effect of Grass

The Natural Cooling Effect of Grass 17 MARCH, 2018 Lawn care Environmental Benefits The cooling effect of grass can make an enormous difference through our summers. And that’s just one of its environmental benefits. By cooling down the atmosphere around us, a turfed...
Water Saving Tips for Spring and Summer

Water Saving Tips for Spring and Summer

Water Saving Tips for Spring and Summer 25 NOVEMBER, 2017 DIY Maintenance As the weather is heating up, we need as many ways to conserve water as possible. This can be especially hard while you are establishing a new lawn but for seasoned lawns, there are plenty of...
Invest in Greenery

Invest in Greenery

Invest in Greenery 26 JULY, 2017 Health Turf News When I think of a future Australia, I picture cities of glass and greenery; plenty of light and plenty of fresh air. And it seems that I’m not the only one. We all know that greener living greatly improves our quality...