Am I Watering Enough? Or Maybe Too Much?

Am I Watering Enough? Or Maybe Too Much?

Am I Watering Enough? Or Maybe Too Much? 29 JUNE, 2018 DIY Maintenance Along with mowing and fertilising, watering your lawn is one of the three big maintenance practices. But how can you be sure your lawn is getting enough water, or too much? The easiest way to tell...
What’s Involved in Laying Down Turf?

What’s Involved in Laying Down Turf?

What’s Involved in Laying Down Turf? 22 JUNE, 2018 DIY Lawn Care Before you even get your lawn delivered there are steps to take towards laying down turf. Including soil preparation, you’ll also need to measure the area you want to be turfed and calculate how much...
Starting with The Soil: Laying Turf Preparation

Starting with The Soil: Laying Turf Preparation

Starting with The Soil: Laying Turf Preparation 18 JUNE, 2018 DIY Lawn Care The key to a new, thriving lawn is proper soil preparation. Laying turf preparation isn’t something you want to overlook, not if you want a healthy lawn. As well as assisting with...
Prepare for Winter Shade on Your Lawn

Prepare for Winter Shade on Your Lawn

Prepare for Winter Shade on Your Lawn 11 JUNE, 2018 DIY Lawn Care As winter starts to set in, days will become shorter. With less sunlight, it is more important to consider the shade on your lawn. Depending on the type of your lawn, it may not be suitable for too much...
How to Avoid Over Fertilising Lawn

How to Avoid Over Fertilising Lawn

How to Avoid Over Fertilising Lawn 31 MARCH, 2018 Lawn Care Maintenance Yes, over fertilising lawn is possible. In extreme cases, over fertilising can send a healthy lawn in decline. Following these guidelines, we can make sure overfertilising lawn doesn’t happen to...