News - Lawn Care
Weed Identification for Common Grass Weeds
Weed Identification for Common Grass Weeds 7 OCTOBER, 2017 Weed Control Maintenance It’s time now to prepare your lawn for the grass weeds to come this year. Weed identification can be the hardest part of the process but essential. Once you know what it is, you know...
The Wrestle with Onionweed
The Wrestle with Onionweed 23 AUGUST, 2017 DIY Weed Control Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen, you sure are in for a treat tonight. To our left, we have our reigning champion, Onionweed. And stepping up to challenge him, our newest contender, the Mighty Gardener. Who...
Turning up the Heat on Dandelions
Turning up the Heat on Dandelions 12 AUGUST, 2017 DIY Maintenance Unless you’re harvesting Dandelions for your lunch, they have no place in your yard and can be quite a nuisance. It’s time we turn up the heat on your Dandelion invasion; be it on your stove, or in the...
Keeping Over-Friendly Lawn Out Of Your Garden Bed
Keeping Over-Friendly Lawn Out Of Your Garden Bed 9 AUGUST, 2017 DIY Lawncare Well done for successfully removing any unwanted vegetation and getting your over-friendly lawn under control. Are you ready to keep it that way? You have a few options for creating a border...
You Don’t Need to Choose Between Your Pets and Your Lawn
You Don't Need to Choose Between Your Pets and Your Lawn 2 AUGUST, 2017 DIY Maintenance No one wants to have to make the decision between their pets and their beloved turf, and you shouldn’t have to. Pets often wreak havoc on turfed lawns, especially large dogs. They...
Tricks for Outdoor Furniture and Lawn Cohabitation
Tricks for Outdoor Furniture and Lawn Cohabitation 16 JULY, 2017 Lawn Care Maintenance Having a roommate is hard. Hell, living with siblings is nearly impossible and outdoor furniture is lawn’s big brother. There are bound to be times when really, they should be...
To Weed or not to Weed- That is the Question of the Clover
To Weed or not to Weed- That is the Question of the Clover 8 JULY, 2017 Lawncare Weed Control Although Clovers will always have a special place in the heart of your inner child, that doesn’t mean they need to move in on your lawn. Clovers are small weeds...
Water; You Can Have Too Much of a Good Thing
Water; You Can Have Too Much of a Good Thing 5 JULY, 2017 Lawn Care Maintenance Did you know that there is such thing as drinking too much water? Depending on our circumstances, we should only drink about one to two litres a day, too much can start to harm us. This,...
Walking the Tightrope for pH-erfect Soil
Walking the Tightrope for pH-erfect Soil 1 JULY, 2017 DIY Lawn Care You’re stuck, blindfolded, taking one step at a time on a never-ending rope, one foot in front of the other. Okay, so maybe the pH level of your soil isn’t exactly like a tightrope. But it does make a...