Sir Walter DNA Certified Buffalo Turf
Lawn Solutions Australia Turf VarietyDescription:
When it comes to superior soft leaf buffalo lawns, you can’t go past Sir Walter DNA Certified Premium Lawn Turf. Born and raised in our tough Australian conditions, Sir Walter is prepared all year round.
It has high drought tolerance as well as being winter active; remaining a crisp green in all seasons. Sir Walter turf makes for an alluring garden around the clock.
Sir Walter DNA Certified Grass will maintain its colour throughout the year as long as it is well prepared for each season. In autumn, it should be fertilised and not mown too low.
Then, in spring, it should be fertilised again and cut short, except in the shaded areas which will need a bit of extra length and less watering throughout the entire year. By mowing in spring, you will remove any thatch build-up and allow for fresh, new growth.
How can you be sure you are getting genuine Sir Walter turf? Well, Lawn Solutions Australia (LSA) have been vigilant in ensuring that all their members are producing Sir Walter turf that is genuine and at a high quality. In 2015, they started to carry out extensive DNA testing with all their members.
By buying from an LSA member, you can be sure that Sir Walter turf is up to standard. All Sir Walter DNA Certified Turf has a certification logo and comes with a ten-year warranty certificate; always double-check these so that you know the product is genuine.
Sir Walter DNA Certified Buffalo Grass is a lush, broad leaf grass with a tight growth pattern. Australia’s most popular grass is fit for most conditions.
It’s shade tolerance, wear resistance and drought tolerance means that Sir Walter soft buffalo thrives, rain or shine. Even though Sir Walter buffalo lawns Grass is the superior lawn in its appearance and resilience, doesn’t mean it has sacrificed softness.
Extremely comfortable, Sir Walter also reduces the suns heat by up to ten degrees, creating a serene environment.
Sir Walter DNA Certified Turf is a very low maintenance grass. Enjoy more time relaxing in your yard than managing it as Sir Walter is quick repairing and non-invasive.
Flourishing in as little as three hours of sunlight a day, Sir Walter’s broad leaves are well equipped for our short winter days. With its deep-growing roots, Sir Walter draws moisture from the soil, making it able to withstand our blistering summers.
It’s tight growth habit not only provides a great looking coverage but also holds off most weeds and won’t grow into your garden beds.
This strong Australian lawn will grow and thrive just about anywhere. In full sun, in shade, in drought or extreme heat, Sir Walter DNA Certified Lawn Buffalo has the upper hand.
Amazingly versatile and resilient, Sir Walter is also suitable for children and pets due to its non-allergenic qualities. It’s soft leaf blades mean it isn’t itchy and it releases virtually no pollen, giving you a break from your hay fever.
Strong and beautiful, Sir Walter Grass is perfect for you.
10-Year Warranty:
To express our confidence in the quality of the Sir Walter DNA Certified Premium Turf that we supply, we will provide you with a Lawn Solutions Australia 10 Year Product Warranty, no matter the size of your purchase.
Feel confident in your choice, knowing that your turf has been grown and harvested at the highest standards, is free of weeds and disease, and will reach its full potential in its new home.
Further Reading
Sir Walter Buffalo Characteristics
Sir Walter Buffalo Maintenance
Sir Walter Buffalo Uses
Sir Walter DNA Certified
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