Is Grass the Answer to Spring Allergies?




Australia is the hay-fever capital of the world. 1 in 5 people suffers from hay fever, with 40% of young adults displaying symptoms of itchy eyes and runny nose. If your hay fever symptoms are around all year, it is likely the source will be inside your house. Perhaps dust mites, mould or pets. But, if your hay fever only spikes up in the warm seasons, it is likely it is caused by outside sources. Luckily, we have the solution to reducing the effect of hay fever.

Just the type of grass can have a huge impact. Rye grasses produce huge amounts of pollen and cold season grasses tend to throw more seeds. Warm season grass varieties, however, have runners rather than seeds. As well as this, a healthy lawn will trap pollen and dust in its thatch layer. Warm season grasses are certainly the way to go if you suffer from hay fever.

DNA Certified Sir Walter Buffalo grass has been developed and test to be non-allergenic. It has no known issues and unless it is neglected, Sir Walter lawns will produce few, if any, seed heads. Older buffalo lawn varieties had jagged edges that could be seen under a microscope, but Sir Walter is completely smooth. This means no more itchy legs playing backyard sport. Sir Walter is also weed resistant which will substantially reduce any seeds that weeds would produce.

Don’t be afraid to go into your own backyard this spring. A DNA Certified Sir Walter Buffalo lawn or warm season grass will catch the pollen and dust, leaving you to enjoy the beautiful weather.

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