Improving Your Lawn’s Wintercolour


AUGUST, 2018

Lawn Care

You probably would have noticed by now that the colour of your lawn has changed as the weather has cooled. This change in colour is referred to as a lawn’s wintercolour and will vary depending on your grass variety and the overall health of your lawn. But, a few simple changes can greatly improve the wintercolour of your lawn.

Over winter, lawns become semi-dormant. This means your grass will grow slower, lose some of its green colour and it will repair any damage slower.  Another factor that affects the wintercolour of your lawn is less sunlight over winter. With less sunlight, there is less opportunity for photosynthesis and therefore your lawn produces less of the green pigment that gives it colour.


Improving Your Wintercolour

Use a slow release fertiliser. A slow release fertiliser that has a higher nitrogen content will assist your lawn in holding onto its green colour. You can apply this in autumn or as a pick-me-up throughout winter. For winter applications, you can use it up to every 4 weeks but you should use half or less of the standard dosage.

Raise your mowing height. By raising the height you mow at, the better the chance your lawn has to soak up more sunlight. And with more sunlight, we get more production of chlorophyll which causes the green pigment in your grass.

Reduce the shade on your lawn. Again, this will allow for more sunlight and photosynthesis.

By improving the wintercolour of your lawn you are also helping your lawn stay healthy through winter. Be wary as spring comes around, your lawn will transition back out of its semi-dormant state. If you don’t re-adjust your watering pattern at this point, your lawn may turn brown from heat shock.

your lawn's wintercolour

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