Preparing Lawn for Winter Weeds


APRIL, 2018


Preparing lawn for winter weeds is important as a lot of weeds like to creep in while your lawn is at its weakest. By preparing in autumn, your lawn will have the best chances through winter.

During winter your grass will grow slower and struggle to compete with weeds. Broadleaf weeds like Bindii and Clover love to pop up during this time. And, if you had Wintergrass last year, chances are it will reappear again this winter.

preparing lawn for winter

So, what should you do?

Get your lawn in peak condition so it will have the best chances through winter. This should include a slow-release fertiliser that will help your lawn get through the cold months.

But most importantly, treat any existing weed problems.

You should also use a pre-emergent such as Oxafert. Especially if you had Wintergrass, a pre-emergent will target weed seeds before they germinate.

Then, just keep an eye out for any weeds that pop up and hand pick them.

By preparing lawn for winter now, you’ll make it much easier for your lawn and for you.

preparation lawn for winter weed killer

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